Tuesday, June 24, 2008

INK Book Blast Give-Away

Here's the nifty flyer I designed for the
INK Spectacular Book Blast Give-Away

Please email me at anna at annamlewis dot com if you would like me to email you the PDF.

Here's the info from Linda's INK blog post:
It's a nonfiction give-away contest of gigantic proportions!

To support the children's nonfiction community, our fifteen published
authors have each agreed to DONATE A SIGNED COPY OF ONE OF THEIR BOOKS. That's FIFTEEN books all to ONE LUCKY WINNER.

We'd love to hear from teachers, librarians, homeschoolers, writers,
or anyone else from across the country who is promoting nonfiction.

Here are the rules. Each entry must consist of two parts:

1. In one sentence or less, tell us why you read the I.N.K. blog.
2. In as much space as you need, describe what you've done to support
and encourage nonfiction in your classroom, library, home, or
community. Photos are a plus.
We will select the winner based on the strongest, most original and
all encompassing approach to getting nonfiction noticed.

All entries should be submitted by email to:
interestingnonfictionforkids at gmail dot com. We will send you an
email letting you know we’ve received your entry.

Entering the contest implies your consent to use the contents of your
entry on our blog for promotional purposes.

The deadline to enter is Friday, September 5th. The winner will be
announced on the I.N.K. blog.

Good Luck to everyone!

Please pass the word!!!!!

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