Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fisher-Price Classic Toy Remakes

The scene in the toy department at Target yesterday:

ME: But I HAVE to have it!
Son: No, you don't. We just came here to get a present for the birthday party... and that's it.
ME: Isn't it so cool?
Son: Mom, don't you have enough toys already?
ME: Yeah, I guess but just look at this toy. It's just like the toy clock I had when I was little.
Son: So.
ME: I really, really need it.
Son: You don't really really need it, do you?
ME: Yeah, duh.
Son: Mom, we gotta go. People are staring.
ME: PLEASE, can I get it?
Son: Maybe if you are good Santa Clause will get it for you. Come on, Mom.
ME: Hold on a second, geesh!

Don't you just love paybacks?
I have the car keys and I think I need to go out and get a few things at the store.


Laura said...

We still have that clock. If I kid holds it by the handle and starts spinning around it becomes a weapon---we learned that the hard way.
That thing was solid wood!!
: )

I love that you are begging for toys!

crissachappell said...

I had the same clock! My fave toys were the Fischer Price Little People (and their different colored hairstyles and expressions)

Kim / POWER OF RUN said...

I had that clock as a kid. I was just with a bunch of moms who were so excited to see that clock at Target last week!