Friday, December 5, 2008

St. Nicholas Day

Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day which means tonight children put their shoes and lists by the fire for St. Nicholas.
In the morning, the children find their shoes filled with nuts, candies, and gifts, because St. Nicholas visits during the night

My mom grew up in Germany during World War II. St. Nicholas Day was one of the traditions we had growing up. I found nuts, oranges, candies, and books in my shoes.

Tonight, my children are scurrying to finish their lists. St. Nicholas usually leaves them candies, and books or CDs. Oh, and they have to put a huge star next to the item they really, really want for Christmas. The Lewis family will never forget the Giga Pet tragedy of 1997 or the Tekno the Robot Dog fiasco of 2000.

In other St. Nick trivia, my son's Kindergarten teacher was the granddaughter of Lou Prentiss, the first model for the Cola-Cola Santa.

Haddon Sunblom, 1931

I was thinking the other day. I'm surprised the toy/advertising industry hasn't exploited the whole St. Nicholas Day tradition. I mean, TOYS and LISTS? Just ripe for the industry.

Anyone celebrate St. Nicholas Day/Eve?
Get your shoes out there...

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